Lirik lagu ''All I Want'' The Panturas

Lirik lagu ''All I Want'' The Panturas

Posted: Jan 22, 2022

Setelah sukses dengan album perdananya yang bertajuk ''Mabuk Laut'', kini band asal Bandung The Panturas kembali membuat takjub pecinta musik rock Tanah Air dengan merilis ''Ombak Banyu Asmara'' sebagai album keduanya.

Setelah sukses dengan album perdananya yang bertajuk ''Mabuk Laut'', kini band asal Bandung The Panturas kembali membuat takjub pecinta musik rock Tanah Air dengan merilis ''Ombak Banyu Asmara'' sebagai album keduanya.

Album kedua The Panturas ini diisikan dengan berbagai nuansa yang berbeda. Salah satu lagu andalan dari album ini adalah ''All I Want'' yang mengusung genre pop dan akan segera dibuatkan film pendek dengan judul yang sama. Berikut Eventori sajikan lirik dari lagu ''All I Want''


''All I Want''


All I want is to come home to you

And I know that deep inside you want me too

But your city mind disgusts me enough

Will you ever be done with yourself?


I wish I'll end up with you

but have I ever been in the league of your own dreams?


All I want is to come home to you

But it seems you do things for you while I do things for us

Still want to get your torso tattooed

Though my mama won't like it


I wish I'll end up with you

But I don't think I'm left enough for you


Let's get out from your city

And start a new life with me

At a seaside or on a hill

Where we can share our dreams together


I wish I'll end up with you

But not just to decorate your future room


Let's get out from your city

And start a new life with me

At a seaside or on a hill

Where maybe we can raise our children


Let's get out from your city

The people are justified to be sick

Let's find a place for us

Where what matter's what we'll eat tomorrow

Where we can live our lives with less pretension

Where I will never have to sound this selfish



Writer: Alvin Iqbal
TAGS:Artis / Talent
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