Makna Dibalik Lagu Those Eyes-nya New West

Makna Dibalik Lagu Those Eyes-nya New West

Posted: Jul 08, 2023

Pemikiran gue ya… Iagu ini dapet benefit dari TikTok! Padahal udah hampir 4 tahun sejak rilis, lagunya tentang apa sih?

I’m sure y’all have heard versions of this song! Whether it’s a cover, or a sped up version of the song on TikTok!

Tapi karena lagunya emang enak, dan vibes sedihnya dapet banget; warga TikTok jadi suka banget. Berawal dari beberapa orang upload cover Those Eyes versi mereka malah jadi trend, karena mood banget lah, enak didengar dan dilihat. 

Nah, lama-lama pada makin suka sama the whole energy of the song! Seperti fenomena magis TikTok yang udah pernah kejadian, lahirlah Those Eyes versi sped up yang menurut orang-orang makin ngena dan cocok jadi sound buat konten mereka!  portal berita bogor

Tapi, lagu ini sebenarnya tentang apa sih? Jadi kepo kenapa orang-orang demen banget galau diiringi lagu ini sampai jadi trend…

Ternyata menye banget loh! Lagu Those Eyes ternyata menceritakan tentang momen hangat pasangan, dimana momen ini gak harus seperti a big occasion or a big gesture! Malah, momen-momen kecil sehari-hari seperti lagi tertawa dan nge-tease satu sama lain, perjalanan pulang di mobil berdua, atau dengar ucapan “I Love You” sebelum berpisah. Gemoy banget, ya!

Nih, langsung aja gue kasih liriknya, enjoy!

Lirik Lagu Those Eyes - New West

When we're out in a crowd laughing loud

And nobody knows why

When we're lost at a club, getting drunk

And you give me that smile


Going home in the back of a car

And your hand touches mine

When we're done making love

And you look up and give me those eyes


'Cause all of the small things that you do

Are what remind me why I fell for you

And when we're apart, and I'm missing you

I close my eyes and all I see is you

And the small things you do


When you call me at night while you're out

Getting high with your friends (high with your friends)

Every "hi", every "bye", every "I love you" you've ever said

(You've ever said)


'Cause all of the small things that you do

Are what remind me why I fell for you

And when we're apart, and I'm missing you

I close my eyes and all I see is you

And the small things you do


When we're done making love

And you look up and give me those eyes


'Cause all of the small things that you do

Are what remind me why I fell for you

And when we're apart, and I'm missing you

I close my eyes and all I see is you

And the small things you do


All the small things you do

Writer: Reynaldi Candraditya
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