Marion Jola Kasih Balasan ke Haters, Simak Liriknya!

Marion Jola Kasih Balasan ke Haters, Simak Liriknya!

Posted: May 22, 2023

Setelah rilis single terakhirnya empat bulan lalu, Marion Jola kembali dengan merilis single terbaru berjudul “(Not Your) Cup of Tea”, yang katanya nyindir haters!

Haters watch out, ‘cuz Marion Jola got a message for you!


Marion Jola merilis lagu yang katanya sindiran buat haters nya loh! Katanya lagu ini menceritakan struggle atau kegelisahan Marion Jola terhadap haters nya yang suka komentar negatif, tentang lagunya atau Marion Jola sebagai kepribadian.

Marion Jola merasa pengalamannya dengan haters adalah karena saling enggak cocok aja dengan selera dan vibe nya, makanya lagu ini dikasih judul “Not Your Cup of Tea”. 

(“Not Your Cup of Tea”) juga ternyata hasil karya Marion Jola dengan beberapa musisi lain, producer internasional dari Swedia, The Kennel, dan diwakili juga oleh Harry Sommerdahl dan Kamilla Baryak.

Wanna know her take on the haters? Keep scrolling to find out!


Lirik Lagu (Not Your) Cup Of Tea - Marion Jola


Don't like how you treat me

Please do not repeat it again

Don't want your drama

So baby get out of my way


You think you're important

Don't throw all those words at my face

Who do you think you are

Don't have to file your complaint


Don't even try... try... try

Wasting my time... time... time

Gotta work harder to keep me around

So if you don't mind... mind... mind

This is goodbye... bye... bye

Just being honest

You're killing my vibe


I'm not your cup of tea

Baby I don't agree

As sweet as I can be

I promise

If not your cup of tea

But baby I don't agree

Say you don't mean it

I can't believe I'm not your cup of tea


You want me to be perfect but it isn't worth it no way

Do you even realize what you are doing to me?

'Cause every comment is causing a whole lot of pain

Baby, you talk too much, wait, let me shh...


Don't even try... try... try

Wasting my time... time... time

Gotta work harder to keep me around

So if you don't mind... mind... mind

This is goodbye... bye... bye

Just being honest

You're killing my vibe


I'm not your cup of tea

Baby I don't agree

As sweet as I can be

I promise

If not your cup of tea

But baby I don't agree

Say you don't mean it

I can't believe I'm not your cup of tea





I'm not your cup of tea





Not your cup of tea yeah


Don't like how you treat me

Please do not repeat it again

Don't want your drama

So baby get out of my way


You think you're important

Don't throw all those words at my face

Who do you think you are

Don't have to file your complaint


I'm not your cup of tea

Baby I don't agree

As sweet as I can be

I promise

If not your cup of tea

But baby I don't agree

Say you don't mean it

I can't believe I'm not your cup of tea





I'm not your cup of tea





Not your cup of tea yeah

Writer: Reynaldi Candraditya
TAGS:New Post,Recommendation,Lyric
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