Pamungkas Rilis Live Footage "Break It" Dari Tur Birdy

Pamungkas Rilis Live Footage "Break It" Dari Tur Birdy

Posted: Jun 08, 2023

Selesai Tur di Asia Tenggara, beserta 12 kota besar di Indonesia, Pamungkas rilis album video dan audio resmi ; Live Birdy South East Asia Tour.

Excited to wear LED bracelet on Coldplay's concert? Our very own local hero Pamungkas might be able to give you a teaser on how it feels like!

Pamungkas membuat penggemarnya bisa relive momen saat di konser Live Birdy South East Asia Tour nya itu dengan cara merilis footage video dan audio live via YouTube dan streaming platform.

Di mana dari 30 lagu yang Pamungkas bawa, akan dirilis dalam 10 minggu berturut-turut; merilis 3 lagu setiap minggunya. Diawali dengan merilis footage dan audio lagu Birdy, Jealousy, dan Sorry pada tanggal 1 Juni 2023. 

Per 8 Juni 2023 hari ini, udah masuk ke Week 2; di mana Pamungkas baru rilis 3 lagu berikutnya yaitu A Day That Feels Better, Still Can’t Call Your Name, dan Break it. 

Nah, footage Break It bener-bener jadi favorit gue pribadi. Dimana lo bisa liat gimana gelang LED di malam itu compliment ritme dari lagu Break It. Apalagi pas transisi dari intro ke verse; di mana ada transisi dari rame karena ada beat dari drum, ke bagian yang melodic dengan suara keys dan harmony dari vokalis.

Gue saranin kalian nonton videonya di YouTube atau dengerin live ambience nya di Spotify. Nih, gue kasih liriknya biar afdol!

Lirik Lagu Break It - Pamungkas 

I miss the warmth of having someone's glow

Going slowly to my direction

Solitude is a bliss it is but I am

Missing the warmth of having someone's glow


Go on and take my heart and break it

Go on and own it then corrupt it

Because I miss being in love before I watch it all slowly fall apart

And crushed to the start

So go on and take my heart and ache it

Go on and fix my heart then break it



I need the thrill to gamble all the odds

Meaningless game, the art of overthink

Love is a bitch, it is I know but I am

Needing the thrill

From feelin' something original

And puzzly delusional, oh

Do you know what I mean?


Go on and take my heart and break it

Go on and own it then corrupt it

Because I miss being in love before I watch it all slowly fall apart

And crushed to the start

So go on and take my heart and break it

Let it all crumble then decrypt it

Because I miss the full circle of love

The beauty and all it's aftermath

Is it too much to ask?

Go on and take my heart and ache it

Go on and fix my heart


'Cause in the end the days are numbered

And I hope this loneliness won't stay

I'm not havin' it cause it's been too long

Oh, it's been such a long way down

Now I am low on love and it's aftermath

I'm low on hugs and kisses

On jealousy and heartache

(Break it, break it)

(Break it, break it)

(Break it, break it)

(Break it, break it)

(Break it, break it)

(Break it, break it)

(Break it, break it)

(Break it)



Writer: Reynaldi Candraditya
TAGS:New Post,Recommendation,Album Live,Tour Birdy,Pamungkas,Break It
Recommendation Article